Presentation guidelines
- Time Allocation:
- Each paper will have a total time slot of 20 minutes in total.
- Presenters have 10 minutes to deliver their presentation.
- The remaining 10 minutes are reserved for a discussion and Q&A.
- Presentation Tips:
- Focus on the key points, objectives, findings, and implications of your work.
- Use visuals and slides effectively, keeping text minimal and legible.
- As a guide, aim for 6-10 slides to maintain a concise and engaging presentation.
- Preparation of Peer Feedback:
- Please make sure that you read the other papers that will be presented in your session.
- All presenters are asked to prepare at least two questions or point of feedback for each of the other presenting papers in their session.
- This active preparation and engagement is crucial for the quality of the discussion and for bringing valuable insights to all presenters.
- Technical Setup:
- Please arrive 10 minutes before the session to put your presentation on the available laptop. For efficiency reasons, we do not want to switch devices during the sessions.